Website Maintenance

Busan Homepage Production

Monthly Maintenance

If you frequently modify your homepage, take advantage of monthly maintenance.

  • Service

    Edit text
    Image modification
    Pop-up production
    Banner production
    Change main slide image
    Sub slide image replacement
    Additional page creation
  • Lite

    Cheap type

    40,000 KRW/1 month


    Edit text
    6 cases/month
    Image modification
    2 cases/month
    Pop-up production
    Banner production
    Change main slide image
    Sub slide image replacement
    Additional page creation
  • Basic

    Basic type

    80,000 KRW/1 month


    Edit text
    7 cases/month
    Image modification
    4 cases/month
    Pop-up production
    2 cases/year
    Banner production
    2 cases/year
    Change main slide image
    Sub slide image replacement
    Additional page creation
  • Pro

    High end

    160,000 KRW/1 month


    Edit text
    10 cases/month
    Image modification
    7 cases/month
    Pop-up production
    5 cases/year
    Banner production
    5 cases/year
    Change main slide image
    1 cases/year
    Sub slide image replacement
    1 cases/year
    Additional page creation
    1 cases/year
  • Premium

    Premium type

    240,000 KRW/1 month


    Edit text
    13 cases/month
    Image modification
    10 cases/month
    Pop-up production
    7 cases/year
    Banner production
    7 cases/year
    Change main slide image
    2 cases/year
    Sub slide image replacement
    2 cases/year
    Additional page creation
    2 cases/year

Case-by-case maintenance

If there are occasional homepage modifications, use case-by-case maintenance.

  • Edit menu

    Per case
  • Add main slide (main banner)

    Per case
    40,000 KRW
  • Banner

    Per case
    40,000 KRW
  • Pop-up

    Per case
    40,000 KRW
  • Graphic Design

    Per case
    Quote after consultation
  • Map design

    Per case
    Quote after consultation
  • Add basic bulletin board

    Per case
    168,000 KRW
  • Add gallery/video bulletin board

    Per case
    198,000 KRW
  • Add quote inquiry bulletin board

    Per case
    168,000 KRW
  • Add page

    Per case
    Quote after consultation
  • Add video

    Per case
    10,000 KRW
  • Photo shoot

    Per cut
    Quote after consultation
  • Other maintenance

    Per case
    Quote after consultation
  • Simple text editing

    Per case
    3,000 KRW (Free once a month)
  • Simple image change

    Per case
    6,000 KRW (Free once a month)
  • Mail template development

    Per case
    128,000 KRW
  • Development of foreign language email templates

    Per case
    168,000 KRW

홈페이지는 지속적으로 관리되어야합니다

행사와 이벤트가 잦은 업체일 수록 유지보수는 필수입니다. 관리가 어렵고 복잡한 경우 전문업체의 도움이 필요 할 때입니다.

  • 피코소프트에서 홈페이지를 제작 했을 경우

  • 관리업체의 폐업 혹은 불가피하게 관리가 어려운 경우

  • 홈페이지를 제작했으나 적합한 관리가 어려울 경우


  • Homepage maintenance
  • Website maintenance
  • Monthly maintenance
  • Case-by-case maintenance
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Responsive web
  • Responsive Web
  • Semantic markup
  • Semantic Markup
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • SEO
  • Administrator Page Provision
  • Admin Page
  • Security Server Construction
  • https
  • Foreign Language Homepage Maintenance
  • SNS Login
  • SNS Connection
  • Web log analysis
  • Analytics
  • Search registration
  • Mobile homepage
  • Cross browsing
  • Cross Browsing
  • Edge
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Whale
  • Web accessibility
  • Busan homepage maintenance
  • Yangsan homepage maintenance
  • Gimhae homepage maintenance
  • Ulsan homepage maintenance
  • Geoje homepage maintenance
  • Milyang homepage maintenance
  • Changwon homepage maintenance
  • Masan homepage maintenance
  • Jinhae homepage maintenance

Check Point

Please check the following before maintaining the website.

  • The initial contract for monthly maintenance is a one-year prepaid contract.
  • There is no carryover or replacement of monthly maintenance services.
  • Materials (text, images, etc.) required for website maintenance must be provided separately.
  • Additional costs will apply if logo creation is required.
  • If there is no content (text), additional writing costs may apply.
  • If photography is required, additional costs will apply.
  • The right to use the website and the copyright of the website contents belong to the customer.
  • We own the homepage solution.
  • We perform website maintenance in accordance with the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Whale.
  • If you request on-site consultation in the Busan, Yangsan, Gimhae, Ulsan, Geoje, Miryang, Changwon, Masan, or Jinhae areas, we will visit and provide consultation.
  • If a web accessibility certification review is required, you must pay the cost.
  • There is no limit to the number of modifications. However, there is a production period.
  • All costs are exclusive of VAT.